Security Audit – Part 2

Once again, we delve deep into what is part of a security audit and why each part is important. One part that I like to look at is the default directories where certain types of files are kept. To do this – on SQL Server 2012 and above – we simply run the following commands:…… Continue reading Security Audit – Part 2

Security Audit

The words that many a person dreads hearing – Security Audit. Whether you’re the one having to perform the audit or just having to deal with the aftermath of one, it is never fun. Over the next few blog posts, we’re going to look at a few common points that are included in security audits,…… Continue reading Security Audit

Welcome Back (to me!)

I know it has been quite some time since I last posted, but, well, life happens. Sadly, there is only one of me, and so many things that are expected of me. Whether it be something at work, something personal, or a combination of both, it just had to be done by yours truly. But…… Continue reading Welcome Back (to me!)

PASS Summit 2017

For those of you that don’t know, PASS Summit 2017 is literally just around the corner and I just happen to be going! For those who have never been before, it’s possibly one of the greatest networking events for those of us into data imaginable! You can literally go into multiple presentations, where you will…… Continue reading PASS Summit 2017

Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!

Concatenation of Strings!

Now, I know for most of you, this seems like a rather simple idea. The definition of concatenation is, according to is : verb (used with object) 1. to link together; unite in a series or chain. Simply put, you combine two or more strings together to form a new string. So, the first…… Continue reading Concatenation of Strings!

Categorized as SQLBasics

Getting rid of data

In previous posts, we’ve talked about SELECTing data, INSERTing data, and UPDATEing data. Now, what do we do if we want to just get rid of the data? Now, in most scenarios, you really don’t want to get rid of data. As a data professional, it is definitely not a good idea to get rid…… Continue reading Getting rid of data