More on SCRUM

The group session One ceremony that I adore goes by many different names. In the past, it has been known as the Grooming session. Today, it is known as a “Backlog Refinement Session.” I actually like this name because it is more telling of what is done during the session. During the session, the team…… Continue reading More on SCRUM

Scrum Ceremonies, part 3

So, we have covered Retrospectives and the Daily Stand Ups in previous posts. Today we will actually go through the rest of the major ceremonies that a Scrum Master must deal with each and every sprint. Sprint Planning is simply a meeting where it is determined what will be worked on during the next sprint.…… Continue reading Scrum Ceremonies, part 3

Scrum Ceremonies, part 2

So, last time, we talked about Stand Up. There are so many other ceremonies that a good scrum master should be working through with the team. Let’s try to step thru some more of them, shall we? Possibly my favorite of the scrum ceremonies is the Retrospective, commonly referred to as the Retro. The Retro…… Continue reading Scrum Ceremonies, part 2

Gettin’ the Party Started

In our last blog post, we discussed processes. Now, I’d like to discuss what it takes to get that process started. First thing that has to happen is for someone to have an idea. After lots of meetings, agreements, disagreements, budget meetings, passing of budgets, stalls because of other priorities, and other who-knows-what, finally the…… Continue reading Gettin’ the Party Started


Every now and again, you’ll hear someone in IT say the word “process.” What does that really mean? Is it just a “black box” that data is shoved into and, magically, a file is created or a dashboard show you your data? Kinda how my “process” works According to, a process is simply…… Continue reading Processes