How about we TRY and CATCH some Transactions?

In our last post, we started talking about transactions and how they can help your databases have data integrity. Let’s continue that today with our friends TRY and CATCH. TRY is just telling SQL Server that we want to try out something. CATCH tells SQL Server what to do if it completely messes up. BEGIN…… Continue reading How about we TRY and CATCH some Transactions?

How to Define objects

In my last post, I discussed some of the DML commands in SQL Server. This week I want to discuss another category of commands – Data Definition Language, or DDL. DDL is used to define or redefine the structure of the database. The commands that are used for DDL are as follows: CREATEDROP ALTERRENAMETRUNCATE So…… Continue reading How to Define objects

Ain’t Nothing Like Saying STUFF this & Moving On

Previously, we talked about the REPLACE and TRANSLATE functions and how similar, but not quite the same they are. Today, I want to talk about yet another function that does something similar but not quite the same. Today, I want to discuss the STUFF function and how it can add or even replace parts of…… Continue reading Ain’t Nothing Like Saying STUFF this & Moving On