I bet y’all thought that we had completely exhausted the topic of how to use APPLY – whether it be CROSS APPLY or OUTER APPLY. Well, guess what? Nope. Just nope. The word to remember when using either of the APPLY operators is deterministic. A deterministic function, as defined by O’Reilly, “always returns the same…… Continue reading Something to Remember with APPLY
CROSS vs OUTER: Knockdown drag-out free for all
In this corner, with a total of 10 letters – we have CROSS APPLY. In the other corner, also with a total of 10 letters – we have OUTER APPLY. Yes, that’s right. From the outside, there’s truly not a lot of difference between the two apply operators. Both of them work very well with…… Continue reading CROSS vs OUTER: Knockdown drag-out free for all