And We’re Back!

So, as you can tell from the lack of posts over the past few months, I have been more than just busy. Between moving into a new house, moving my son into a college dorm, several SQL Saturdays, and just general work items, it has been extremely hectic. But, I am back now, and my…… Continue reading And We’re Back!

Concatenation of Strings!

Now, I know for most of you, this seems like a rather simple idea. The definition of concatenation is, according to is : verb (used with object) 1. to link together; unite in a series or chain. Simply put, you combine two or more strings together to form a new string. So, the first…… Continue reading Concatenation of Strings!

Categorized as SQLBasics

Getting rid of data

In previous posts, we’ve talked about SELECTing data, INSERTing data, and UPDATEing data. Now, what do we do if we want to just get rid of the data? Now, in most scenarios, you really don’t want to get rid of data. As a data professional, it is definitely not a good idea to get rid…… Continue reading Getting rid of data