Sound of Silence in Snowflake

One of those functions that can be helpful – in the right circumstances – is SOUNDEX. If you hop into the Wayback Machine with Sherman, Mr. Peabody, and me, I created a blog post about this very subject – found here. In Snowflake, the SOUNDEX function works exactly the same way: For all the…… Continue reading Sound of Silence in Snowflake

Inserting an Insert into Snowflake

Whenever I say the keyword INSERT in conjunction with databases, we – as data developers – automatically think that we’re going to be putting data into a table (or multiple tables with Snowflake – see here). With Snowflake, that isn’t always true. Now, you’re probably saying to yourself “Sherpa has obviously lost his/her mind. Who…… Continue reading Inserting an Insert into Snowflake

I like Snowflake More and More

With SQL Server, you’ll find that, quite often, when dealing with strings, you’re almost stuck using the like operator to check if items are “like” another string. I don’t know how many times I’ve done something like the following: SELECT * FROM dbo.TableName WHERE Field LIKE ‘%Name%’; Hopefully, many of you get the gist of…… Continue reading I like Snowflake More and More

Checking Out Snowflake

Over the years, I’ve learned a decent amount of things when it comes to Microsoft’s SQL Server. Even with the new SQL Server 2022 which was just announced as being generally available just last week. But, sometimes, you just want to bust out of the old grind and do something a bit different. For me,…… Continue reading Checking Out Snowflake