Today, I want to talk about all the effort that goes into setting up the ability to email in SQL Server and Snowflake.
First is our old friend – SQL Server. I’ll leave this one to the experts at Microsoft. As has been the case over the last few years, they have some great documentation at Learn.Microsoft.com – especially when it comes to SQL Server.
Today, we want to focus on one page in particular – Configure Database Mail – SQL Server | Microsoft Learn. Let’s focus on the sheer number of wizard dialogues you need to at least review.

Yes, that’s a lot…
In Snowflake, it is a lot simpler. How much you ask?

First, we set up our notification integration so that Snowflake knows that we want to send out emails.
Notice the allowed_recipients parameter. It does have parenthesis around the entire list. Inside can be up to 50 emails listed. Each of those emails must be verified by Snowflake. If you list more than one, they must be qualified as shown below:
Now, if you don’t specify the allowed_recipients parameter, then you can send emails to any verified email in the current account. Yes, please note this as some items obviously shouldn’t be emailed to certain people.
After that, you’re ready to send emails.

Now, it is worth noting that the emails will be coming from Snowflake.net instead of a corporate email address that you control.
Next time, I want to walk you through the process of sending emails that I use in Snowflake. But, this time, I hope you can quickly see how much easier it is in Snowflake to configure it to email out informational messages.
Until next time!
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